At the beginning of the year we had set out both personal and financial goals for the 2018 calendar year and as promised here is where they stand through the third quarter of the year. The goal so far is to be at 50% or higher. Let’s see how we are doing!
Increase the TFSA account by $8,600
100% complete
Well we sold some liquid assets to fund the TFSA account, plus just wrapped up a turnaround at work which gave us some additional funds and dividends have been growing quite nicely. So we ended up increasing the TFSA by $20,497 in 2018. So time to set another goal.
Increase the TFSA account by $25,000 (New Goal Set July 1)
93% complete
Should be no issue hitting this.
Increase the RRSP account by $3,600
100% complete
We got a bit lucky with this one as the company I work for decided to match up to $750 annually. This has now surpassed the goal as we are currently at $4,090.68
Open an RESP account for both Zoey and Colton
0% complete
Really need to get on this.
Save for and go on one family vacation to Mexico
100% complete
The vacation has been fully funded. It was a great two week vacation and now to start saving for the next adventure
Post a minimum of one blog per month
100% complete
Ahead of the game here with a minimum of 1 post per month and 3 months with 3 posts
Receive $1,500 from dividends and reinvest all of it
93% complete
Well ahead at this point with $1,394 received. So time to step it up and set another goal in 2018.
Receive $2,000 from dividends and reinvest all of it (New Goal Set July 1)
70% complete
This is going to be close that’s for sure.
Now that the basic landscaping is complete build extended deck and plant trees in backyard
100% complete
The extended deck has been built, 6 trees planted and 9 bushes. Even put a sand pit with a playground in.
Next year we have decided to plant a bunch more trees so we will add that to the 2019 goals
Go to at least 2 NHL hockey games
50% complete
I have went to one game this year which was Boston vs. Edmonton. Being a Bruins fan really worked out as they had a come from behind victory. I did go to Boston and knock one off the bucket list with going to a Redsox game which was amazing!
Do not pay a penny of interest on any credit card and receive at least $500 in cash back
75% complete
100% complete
We are currently on target as the balance was yet again set at 0 on the last day of September and I’m happy to say we have kicked this goal out of the park.
Receive at least $900 in cash back on credit card (New Goal Set July 1)
93% complete
This will be no issue as were just around the corner from hitting it.
Reduce debt to asset formula from 67.5% to 61%
84% complete
Still slightly ahead (62%) as we have reduced debt so far by $25,249 through the third quarter and increased assets by $12,168 (Some stocks have been under performing this year or this would be much higher). If we can keep pace we should be way ahead of our goal set!
Increase net worth by $60,000
53% complete
Net worth has increased by $32,016 so far in the year. Last quarter we were at 42% complete so we really have not made too much progress. The Canadian stock market is really what is lagging this as the stocks we own have been under performing. It’s a long term gain and hopefully we see a strong 4th quarter to help this goal look more realistic.
Increase my financial IQ
75% complete
For this one it has lots to do with me being honest. I’m going to give myself this one, so far my wife and I attended a 3 day investing workshop back in February which has really opened up my eyes on how to really look at what a company is worth regardless of stock price. It also has taught me to look at what the Guru’s are doing and also who within each company is buying and selling. All these indicators now assist with my decision to purchase a company or not. Another key note would be looking at the stock trend and doing my best to buy on upward trends and not so much when a stock is creating new lows. We also attended a conference for out home based business that really keeps you focused on setting and breaking goals.
Currently completing some management training that focuses on financing and reading quarterly reports. I will continue to put extra effort here to get a better understanding of evaluating companies and also have picked up a couple more books to help me along the way.
Maria to hit “Qualified National Marketing Director” in her home based business
100% complete
Maria was able to accomplish this before the end of the first quarter. This is the second highest achievement through the business levels. Very happy for her!
Final Thoughts
Too be honest I’m not very happy with the progress this past quarter. I’m very happy we have completed some goals ahead of schedule however there are a few that are lagging that at times feel like you are failing. The stock market in Canada has been rather disappointing however this just challenges me a bit more, to put more effort into what I’m buying. I’m very happy with the debt reduction as we have been knocking that one out of the park this past couple years. Time to focus on the 4th quarter.
Have you set goals for 2018? How are you doing so far? Hit any speed bumps?
Thanks for reading and remember………..
Invest in yourself