Welcome to March’s edition of more free money from dividend investing.


Well it has been a very busy month in March. We took a trip to Banff for a conference to continue to learn and be inspired in our home based business. The kids continue to grow and keep us on our toes.

Before I get into a record month here are a few pictures of what we have been up to!


Wife and I growing together in Banff at the “Silver party”.

Our little guy showing off his little smile

Our beautiful girl having a dress rehearsal before her big day on stage


Now let’s see how the portfolio did 



I sold no dividend stocks this month





I made a new position in one company 


New position in Chesswood Group Limited (CHW.TO) with a purchase of 100 shares at $10.98


Who is Chesswood Group Limited?

Chesswood Group Limited, publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange, is a financial services company operating primarily in the specialty finance industry. Chesswood’s approach to creating long-term value for its shareholders is to acquire financial services businesses that have proven management teams with market positions poised for growth, and to enhance these strengths through the provision of strategic, operating and financial support.

My why:

To tell you the truth this company wasn’t even on my radar and when I was doing some value searching this one caught my eye. Their return on revenue and return on income was very impressive last year. They also carry only 1 year earnings debt which I like due to the interest rates starting to creep up. Earnings per share in the fourth quarter were higher than the first three quarters combined. This company should be trading around $14-$15 which I would call a nice discount at where it is right now. They pay a juicy dividend of just over 7.5%. With this purchase it will bring in about $63.00 in dividend income for the remaining 2018 calendar year and of course that is if they keep the dividend where it is at. 


2016 – 2017 – 2018 Dividends

A record setting month as this is the highest amount of dividends received ever with $223.52. This is an increase of over 64% from last best month that was December. Really looking forward to what June will look like!



Dividends received per stock and if they’re set up within the DRIP program



March 2018 Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Chartwell Retirement Residents CSH.UN $6.77 Not enough
Cardinal Energy Ltd CJ.TO $8.61 Yes
Northview Apartment REIT NVU.UN $6.79 Not enough
Plaza Retail Reit PLZ.UN $8.41 Yes
Arc Resources Ltd ARX.TO $8.45 Not enough
Alta Gas Ltd ALA.TO $12.23 Not enough
Crescent Point Energy Corp CPG.TO $1.59 Not enough
Enbridge Income Fund Holdings ENF.TO $4.71 Not enough
Extendicare Inc EXE.TO $6.88 Not enough
Freehold Royalties Ltd FRU.TO $5.70 Not enough
Gamehost Inc GH.TO $5.18 Not enough
Sienna SR Living Inc SIA.TO $8.63 Not enough
Superior Plus Corp SPB.TO $8.22 Not enough
Diversified Royalty Corp DIV.TO $0.44 Not enough
Fee rebates on purchases Rebate $10 N/A
Power Corporation of Canada POW.TO $11.47 Not enough
Exco Technologies XTC.TO 24.48 Yes
Manulife Financial Corp MFC.TO 27.06 Yes
High Liner Foods HLF.TO $58.00 Yes


What could i get for $223.52? Now were talking as this amount can actually buy something. However it still does not cover a mortgage payment so I’ll reinvest every penny until the number starts to pay enough that working is no longer something I have to do and it can be a choice.

What do you think of my recent purchase? 


Still finding it very difficult to find fairly priced stocks, may start to increase cash for the next correction that looks like it’s not too far away.

Do you feel the same way?


Feel free to leave a comment and be sure to sign up for my blog via email to stay up to date with each post!


Thank you for reading 


Invest in yourself


Money While You Sleep 2018 March Edition

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6 thoughts on “Money While You Sleep 2018 March Edition

  1. Nice Brian congrats on a new record.

    As for the buy never heard of them, but seems like you did your due diligence. As for nothing to buy why not get fortis or canadian utitlitys. Our top dividend aristocrats and they are way cheaper than they used to be!

    Unforetunately highliner doesnt drip…

    Keep it up 63% growth since the last quarter is insane!

    1. Thank you

      I like Fortis as they are a solid company! I “should” of bought them in 2016 when they were on my buy list.

      I am able to DRIP Highliner using a synthetic drip although there is no discount.

      I appreciate the support and following!

      All the best to you!


  2. Great month! What are your thought on HLF at these levels and with the hard time they’ve been having. Trading at 5-year lows. Are you averaging down or just waiting?

    1. Thanks!
      I recently just purchased them. My matrix that I ran on them shows they are still undervalued even with the last quarter factored in. Buying at the $11 mark looks very attractive. If they can get things back in order this company could be easily trading at $15+. The payout ratio is still in a good location so I don’t see a dividend cut in the near future. They also had lots of insider trading going on with people within the company picking up many shares between $10.50-$11.50 as well as they are going to buy back 1% of the company over the next year.

      Hope this information helps you in making your decision.


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