Hello all, for those that follow me know that at the end of each quarter I update the progress of the goals that we had set back at the beginning of the year. So without further to do here is our progress:
2019 Financial and Personal Goals
Increase my TFSA account by $6,000
- Had this done rather early in the year, by May.
Open up and fund Maria’s TFSA to $3,600
- Account has been opened and $2000 funded.
Pour a concrete patio and purchase and place a hot tub on it
- Well we got lucky here. Little did i know that if you buy an Arctic Spa you only need a road crush base, that saved a few hundred for sure!
- Hot tub has been purchased and installed.
Receive $2,400 in dividends
End of March 21%. End of June 49.5%
- Well dividends were good in the second quarter and has put us very close to the 50% range.
- Through the Second quarter we have received $1,188.41.
Do not pay even one penny in interest on any credit card
- On pace.
- This is something we have always made a priority of in our family, we pay the credit card off in full at the midpoint and end of each month.
Give back
- So far this year we are on target with this one if you ask me. We have started to go through items in our house such as clothing, toys, shoes and miscellaneous items no longer used. All these items have been donated to local charities or friends that are looking for such items.
Increase the RRSP account by $5,100
End of March 32%. End of June 67%
- So far we are 17% ahead of the goal set. This one has a certain amount taken off each check, so we should have no reason not to hit this.
- Through the second quarter we have placed $3,415 into the RRSP account.
Beat the TSX (Year end TSX $14,315) End of March up 18.2%, End of June only up 16.5%
- We cannot really put a stand alone percentage number so far as we know the stock markets can do crazy things. Through the Second quarter the TSX is up 13.5% while we are up 16.5%. Slightly ahead but would like to be up 20% by end of year.
Receive $700 from our cash back credit card
- Well the second quarter we spent lots of money (Hot tub, trees etc… and put it all on the credit card, currently at $762. Time to set a new goal.
Receive $1200 from our cash back credit card *NEW GOAL SET JUNE *
- Were are not planning on any huge purchases for the rest of the year however you just never know, this one is going to be close.
Fund the kids RESP by at least $2,400
- Hoping to fund this in the third quarter of the year.
Increase net worth by $60,000
End of March 67%. End of June 80%
- Although things can change and this can fluctuate we are on a roll to start the year as we have already surpassed our 2018 total. Have to stay focused and keep this growing as this goal really helps us progress to our ultimate goal, early retirement or do whatever we want.
Reduce debt to asset formula from 61% to 57%
100%, End of March 57%. End of June 54.5%
- Last year it took the whole year to accomplish a 3.5% decrease and this year we reduced it by 6.5% in the first half alone! This makes me very happy and shocked at the same time.
- Debt in the first half of year decreased by $13,945.
- Assets in the first half of year increased by $58,615.
Finding new ways to reduce waste in our household
When we set this goal we really didn’t know where to start however here are a few reductions made so far:
- Stopped purchasing single use razors and went with an electric razor, i find you have to shave more often however your not throwing out multiple blades each month
- Reusable bags and boxes are used for grocery shopping, still getting in the habit of remembering the bags.
- Using the compost bin which is a challenge on its own, if your trying to figure out what’s smelling up the house you may want to dump your compost :).
- Purchased rechargeable AA and AAA batteries. As we have two younger children this has really helped the environment and let’s face it, the bank account.
To be honest I’m not sure we could be any happier with the progress so far . Although some of the goals have yet to be started this has been a great start to 2019. Setting goals each year has really taught us to be disciplined when we need and keeps you 100% accountable in setting up your future for success.
Do you set annual goals? Has it helped you in achieving them?
Please feel free in leaving a comment below and remember
Invest in yourself

All I can say is WOW! You are rocking it!
Thank you 🙂