Welcome to May’s edition of more free money from dividend investing.


It feels like the months are just flying by. May was another crazy month as the company I work for goes through the back end of turnaround season. Still it’s important to make sure that family time is had and personal growth continues.

Lets be honest and clearly note that investing, personal finances and anything around the all mighty dollar can be a bit stall or dry at times. That is clearly why this blog adds in a personal touch. It’s important to show new people to the dividend growth strategy that life can still be fun, adventurist and you can still do things you want to do while your portfolio grows into your plan A. This does not mean that sacrifices don’t happen however I would gladly sacrifice the odd “good time” so later down the road I can enjoy more time with my family and friends. I recently read the book 12 Rules For Life by Jordan B Peterson who noted ” You can sacrifice now and later down the road enjoy the fruit or you can sacrifice later for the rest of your life”. This really hit home for me as we all know someone who is struggling on when they will be able to retire. Pretty scary to think that there are people that can’t retire because they just don’t have enough to make ends meet. This is one of the main reasons that I made the decision to start a blog, to show that it’s possible to meet goals and early retirement.


So lets go a bit into what this month has looked like on a personal level before we dig into how the dividends did this past month.


Went on a training development trip to Boston and those that know me well can understand that this was a really big deal to me as I found some time to knock one off the bucket list. Fenway!


Great Grandma came for a visit to see  all of us and especially the little ones


Portfolio details:



I sold no dividend stocks this month



I bought no dividend stocks this month

I know pretty boring month however sometimes stock piling some cash is not a bad thing. I have dipped into a stock that does not pay dividends however but I’ll leave that there as I want to ensure this post is about dividend companies only.

Dividend increases as well as any dividend cuts

Last month I shared the dividend increases from this year. I’ve decided to keep these up so you can see where the raises came from.


No dividend increases in January

No dividend cuts this month


PLZ.UN increased the dividend from $0.26 to $0.27 which is an increase of 3.85%.

ENF increased the dividend from $2.053 to $2.26 which is an increase of 10.05%.

No dividend cuts this month


MFC increased the dividend from $0.82 to $0.88 which is an increase of 7.32%.

XTC increased the dividend from $0.32 to $0.34 which is an increase of 6.25%

No dividend cuts this month


FRU increased the dividend from $0.05 to $0.525 which is an increase of 5%

No dividend cuts this month


CSH.UN increased the dividend from $0.048 to $0.049 which is an increase of 2.1%, not a huge raise but I’ll take it!

No dividend cuts this month


2016 – 2017 – 2018 Dividends

Dividends received this month were $100.26. A whopping .23 cents more than last month. Again it’s increasing which is a good thing especially when nothing was purchased this month. Really looking forward to June as it will be another big quarterly month!



Dividends received per stock and if they’re set up within the DRIP program

May 2018 Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Chartwell Retirement Residents CSH.UN $6.91 Not enough
Cardinal Energy Ltd CJ.TO $8.72 Yes
Northview Apartment REIT NVU.UN $6.79 Not enough
Plaza Retail Reit PLZ.UN $8.52 Yes
Arc Resources Ltd ARX.TO $8.45 Not enough
Alta Gas Ltd ALA.TO $12.23 Not enough
Crescent Point Energy Corp CPG.TO $1.59 Not enough
Enbridge Income Fund Holdings ENF.TO $4.71 Not enough
Extendicare Inc EXE.TO $6.88 Not enough
Freehold Royalties Ltd FRU.TO $5.99 Not enough
Gamehost Inc GH.TO $5.18 Not enough
Sienna SR Living Inc SIA.TO $8.63 Not enough
Superior Plus Corp SPB.TO $8.22 Not enough
Diversified Royalty Corp DIV.TO $0.44 Not enough
Chesswood Group LTD. CHW.TO $7.00 Not enough
Total $100.26


Well the sell in May affect was not as big as I thought it would be. A few companies that are on the watch list did fall back a bit, so almost time to add to a position or two. However at the same time sometimes doing nothing is not a bad thing as the markets have lots of negativity tied to them as of late.

What are you watching currently or buying? Any great companies on sale or not yet?


Feel free to leave a comment and be sure to sign up for my blog via email to stay up to date with each post!


Thank you for reading  and remember………


Invest in yourself



Money While You Sleep 2018 May Edition

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4 thoughts on “Money While You Sleep 2018 May Edition

    1. Laurentian Bank looks great. Revenue and Earnings per share looks very good year over year. In my opinion I’d wait a bit to see where the floor is before making a position.

      All the best to you!


  1. A word of caution on those .UN holdings. Some of them issue ROC or Return of Capital (Your own money) A bit of research can usually tell you how much you are getting back. It looks attractive to get 8 to 10 % but what percentage of that was yours to start with ? Even a 6% return in 100% dividends will make you more money if your ROC is 4% or higher.

    1. That is definitely great information.Thanks Stan I’ll do some research on the companies i own with .UN and companies i may add in the future!

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