Hello investors! Welcome to another edition of Money While You Sleep. The markets started to act more normal than it has in quite some time. The portfolio performed really good this month but before we get into that here is what we have been up to:

  • My wife Maria and a friend of hers started a business, they have been working tirelessly to get it where it needs to be . You can check it out here
  • C learned to ride a bike
  • Maria went on a trip and attended Florence and the machine.
  • Another Halloween creating memories.
  • Celebrated Z’s 10th birthday

Portfolio details:

Not a lot of action this month. We keep dripping away and receiving cash from dividends. I feel we will be making some moves next month. We did add $2,000 to the RESP account for future purchases.

Here’s a breakdown of allocation:

October breakdown 77% Blue Chip, 18% Growth and 5% Cash

September breakdown 81% Blue Chip, 15.3% Growth and 3.7% Cash

August breakdown 80.6% Blue Chip, 17.1% Growth and 2.3% Cash


No sells


No buys

Dividend increases and decreases

  • None

2016 – 2022 Dividends

Dividends came in at $445.89. This is a year over year increase of 25%. We also dripped 9 new shares. We had set out our annual goal of $5,000 for 2022, based on new funds and the overall amount of increases so far in 2022 we should have no issue achieving this! Chart below shows YTD dividends. Currently 87% to $5,000 with 2 months to go.

Dividends received

Stock ListDividendDrip
PLZ.UN$11.12Yes, 2 shares
TD.TO$89.89No, Set to DRIP next quarter
XTC.TO$35.49No, DRIP turned off
CM.TO$85.33No, Set to DRIP next quarter
AQN.TO$99.84Yes, 7 shares


We have been waiting on the sidelines not because we are scared of market conditions but because we really don’t have a lot of cash on hand. After our big purchases in June, we did not leave ourselves really any cash left over, however our cash position is starting to increase. Many names are now looking attractive and were looking at putting our cash on hand to work.

Sectors I’m currently looking at

  • Banks
  • Oil and Gas
  • Technology
  • Utilities
  • Renewables
  • Real-estate

Current Dividend watch list (Own 8 of 8)

  • Fortis (NEW)
  • Granite Real Estate Investment Trust
  • TD Bank
  • Canadian Natural Resources Limited
  • Equitable Group
  • Restaurant Brands International
  • Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp
  • Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P.

Current Growth watch list (Already own 4 of the 6)

  • Facebook
  • Nuvei Corporation
  • WELL Health
  • Good Natured Products
  • Bragg Gaming Group
  • BRP Inc

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment!

Invest in yourself


Disclosure:  I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. Please ensure you do your own research.

Money While You Sleep 2022 October Edition

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